Thoracic osteochondrosis is a spinal disease in which the position of the vertebrae becomes unnatural and the intervertebral disc degenerates, so its height is reduced. Osteochondrosis in the chest area is not as common as the neck or lower back. It is related to anatomy. In the central part, the spine is stable and durable. In addition, it is not easily affected by pressure, has poor mobility, and has fewer cases of intervertebral disc trauma.
People at high risk for this disease include the elderly and people with a sedentary lifestyle. However, pathology is increasingly diagnosed in adolescents, and the number of cases increases dramatically between the ages of 30-35.
Classification of thoracic osteochondrosis
The disease is classified according to the principle of syndrome. The affected area of the spine can negatively affect nerve formation.
By positioning, these forms of thoracic osteochondrosis can be distinguished:
- Compression syndrome (development is related to nerve root tension, deformation or compression; spinal cord or vascular area may be affected; therefore, spinal cord, blood vessel or nerve root syndrome appears);
- Reflex syndrome (reflex occurrence, tensioning the innervated muscles; occurrence of malnutrition and vascular disease);
- Muscle adaptation syndrome (thoracic muscle damage due to continuous overload).
Causes of thoracic osteochondrosis
The causes of chest osteochondrosis are insufficient physical activity, back injury, physical exertion, metabolic disorders, overweight, weakened immunity, frequent colds, infections, smoking, and stress. Among women, among other things, walking in high heels and holding a child may trigger the development of the disease.
In addition, the causes of breast osteochondrosis are:
- Uneven load distribution on the intervertebral disc;
- Degenerative changes of intervertebral disc tissue;
- Lack of minimum physical activity;
- Scoliosis;
- Permanent abnormal position of the spine in a sitting position.
Pathogenesis of the disease
Mild discomfort, muscle tension, and "tolerable" pain during inhalation and bending are the first signs of thoracic osteochondrosis. When the pain becomes severe and he is not allowed to lead a normal life, a person usually sees a doctor. The treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis is long-term and requires continuous attention. If left untreated, changes in malnutrition can lead to limited mobility and even disability.
Clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis
The symptoms of breast osteochondrosis have different manifestations, depending on the positioning of the process. Moreover, this disease can be subtly "adjusted" to other problems.
The most typical symptoms of chest osteochondrosis:
- Pain in the interscapular area;
- Chest discomfort;
- Headache and heartache;
- Pain when bending over;
- Restrict movement
- Tingling sensation in the neck, abdomen, chest and arms;
- Dizziness, tinnitus, flashing flies in front of your eyes;
- Pain increases with inhalation.
As the pathology progresses, decreased sensitivity, impaired motor function, and muscle atrophy will increase the symptoms of sternal osteochondrosis.
Characteristics of the course of mammary osteochondrosis during pregnancy
The development of pain during pregnancy is related to weight gain. At the same time, the shift of the center of gravity changed the posture. Low physical activity combined with a sedentary lifestyle can destroy the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. The increase in pressure in the chest area can cause pain. During pregnancy, the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis is mainly carried out without the use of specialized drugs, because they can damage the health of the fetus. Therefore, Kuznetsov's applicator, massage and special exercises were used.
Characteristics of childhood diseases
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can manifest between 8 and 17 years of age. Unprepared spine will undergo pathological changes under heavy load. After the correct diagnosis, treatment begins. Usually, during this period, starting the treatment process in time will bring excellent results. It is necessary to strengthen muscles, improve cartilage conditions and perform physical therapy.
Pathological complications
Most patients with thoracic osteochondrosis try to postpone treatment, which in turn can lead to serious complications.
The consequences of thoracic osteochondrosis:
- Formation of intervertebral hernia
- Spinal cord injury
- Manifestations of hypertension
- Risk of stroke and heart attack
Diagnosis of thoracic osteochondrosis, including differential diagnosis, including:
- Digital radiography;
- Electrocardiogram
- Ultrasound examination of the heart, kidneys and abdominal organs;
- CT.
The doctor will determine the exact picture on the X-ray, where he will see the growth of the vertebral body and the displacement of the intervertebral disc. The characteristics of sternal osteochondrosis are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, and it needs to be differentiated from spinal injury, spinal tumors and tumors, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hip joint disease, and many other diseases.
Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis
The treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis involves the use of comprehensive therapies, the purpose of which is to prevent and prevent further destruction of the intervertebral disc or restore its structure, improve the biomechanics of the spine, and eliminate diseases of the central nervous system.
The first thing in treatment is to relieve pain and inflammation through medication.
The patient is recommended to use the following groups of drugs:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Glucocorticoids;
- Diuretics
- Cartilage protective agent.
When the pain subsides, they will enter the next stage of thoracic osteochondrosis treatment. It provides courses for therapeutic massage, acupuncture, and physical therapy exercises. In addition, physical therapy is very effective. If indicated, manual treatment may be recommended.
Treatment control
The rehabilitation process is supervised by a family doctor or a specialist who observes the patient during the course of the disease. No recurrence within a year indicates that the function of the musculoskeletal system is normalized.
The prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis needs to follow the following rules:
- Posture control
- Work hygiene (control hand position, a chair with a flat high back);
- Rest every 2 hours for specific exercises;
- Sleep on a hard surface;
- No irregular physical activity (including weight bearing);
- Carry a backpack instead of a shoulder bag;
- Regular exercise therapy courses.
Tips and tricks
Sternal osteochondrosis requires long-term recovery. It is recommended to perform moderate physical exercises to strengthen the back muscles and reduce the pressure on the spine. In addition, physical therapy gradually eliminates the pain.
In addition, through exercise therapy and exercise, perform the following tasks:
- Decompression of spinal nerve endings;
- Develop stereotypes of correct posture;
- Give spine elasticity;
- Improve blood circulation;
- The metabolism of the intervertebral disc is normalized.
The article is for reference only. Remember: self-medication may be harmful to your health.